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Very honoured Internet Surfer,
You are on the homepage of Markus Krebs.
To homepage (technologies):
Java applets and Flash are not used on this homepage, and can be calmed down deactivated. CSS must be activated in any case, in order to receive an optimal representation. JavaScript is needed for JSWins (JavaScript-Desktop-System), switching between the 2 languages (German and English) and for webstatistics. Cookies are set for JSWins-state-information and for webstatistics.
To the browsers (compatibility):
This homepage is optimally represented on Windows 8 with the browsers Internet Explorer 10.0 and Mozilla Firefox 16.0. Unix, Linux and Mac Browser were not tested.
I wish you much fun while viewing these sides and hope that you find useful, informative and worth knowing on these sides...
Yours sincerely
M. Krebs
Markus Krebs

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