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Mediaprice 2005

Home / Study / Thesis (diploma): Multimedia algorithms and datastructure assessments (MA&DA) / Mediaprice 2005

Mediaprice 2005 (University F...

Mediaprice 2005

The MA&DA system (thesis (diploma): Thesis (diploma): Multimedia algorithms and datastructure assessments (MA&DA)) was submitted as contribution at the mediaprice 2005 of the university Freiburg.
There is closer information (prices, evaluation, jury) on the Internet presence of the mediaprice 2005 (http://www.newmedia.uni-freiburg.de/Aktuelles/freiburg/mp2005/index.html). On the side of the contributions (Beiträge) (http://www.newmedia.uni-freiburg.de/Aktuelles/freiburg/mp2005/beitraege.html) one finds the system under "interactive multimedia exercises" (interaktive multimediale Übungen).
In addition an information page to the MA&DA-project (http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/mada/) was provided.

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